Managing holiday visitors: Keeping baby safe around family and friends

With the holiday season comes the excitement of family gatherings, visits from friends and festive cheer. However, if you have a new baby at home, holiday gatherings can also introduce concerns about your baby’s safety and well-being.

“This time of year often brings visitors into the home, each with different levels of familiarity with infant care and safety. Managing holiday visitors helps keep your baby safe, comfortable and healthy during the celebrations,” says Murray Hewlett, CEO of Affinity Health.

“For new parents, preparing the home for holiday gatherings means creating a safe space for baby and ensuring everyone respects necessary boundaries.”

Here are some tips to help you confidently navigate the holidays and ensure a joyful and safe environment for your baby:

1. Set health boundaries

Babies’ immune systems are still developing, making them more vulnerable to colds, flu, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and other common illnesses. Letting friends and family know your expectations about handwashing and hygiene and avoiding visits if they’re unwell can make a big difference in keeping your baby healthy.

2. Limit baby’s exposure to illnesses

During the holiday season, many people are in close contact, which can increase the spread of germs. Limiting the number of people who hold your baby helps reduce exposure to potential infections.

3. Manage overstimulation

Holiday gatherings can be loud, and the abundance of new faces, sounds and activities may overstimulate a young baby. Signs of overstimulation in babies include fussiness, turning their heads away and rubbing their eyes.

4. Respect baby’s sleep

A consistent routine is crucial for a baby’s development, especially regarding sleep. While adjusting a baby’s schedule for visitors may be tempting, skipping naps or bedtime can lead to an overtired and fussy infant. Sleep-deprived babies are more prone to overstimulation and stress.

5. Avoid second-hand smoke and strong scents

If any visitors are smokers, it’s essential to protect your baby from exposure to second-hand smoke. The chemicals from cigarette smoke can cling to clothing and hair, and even small amounts of exposure can affect a baby’s health.

Scented products such as perfumes, aftershaves or heavily fragranced lotions can irritate a baby’s sensitive respiratory system.

6. Encourage proper holding

Family and friends who may not be familiar with handling a newborn should be gently guided on proper techniques. Support for the baby’s neck is crucial, and babies should always be held in a way that makes them feel secure.

7. Create a sanitising station

To make hand hygiene easy and accessible for guests, set up a sanitising station near the entrance with hand sanitiser and tissues.

8. Use babywearing

Babywearing is a helpful tool for keeping your baby close and minimising the number of people who want to hold them. A baby carrier or wrap can give your infant a secure spot where they feel comfortable and helps create a little barrier from curious hands. If your baby is calm and sleeping in the carrier, guests will often take the hint and admire them from a distance.

9. Practise kind, assertive communication

It’s common to feel nervous about setting boundaries with family and friends, especially during the holidays. However, prioritising your baby’s health is worth the extra effort. A gentle reminder goes a long way if someone forgets to wash their hands or is overly eager to hold your baby.

The holiday season is a time for joy, togetherness and new traditions. By setting health boundaries, respecting the baby’s routine and creating a comfortable space, parents can ensure their little one enjoys a safe holiday experience.

Remember, managing holiday visitors is all about balancing – prioritising the baby’s well-being while enjoying precious family moments.

Image credit: Freepik

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