
A depiction of Allergy season

Seasonal allergies: Why everyone’s experience is different

As the seasons change, many of us start to experience the familiar and often frustrating symptoms of seasonal allergies. However, it’s important to recognise that not all seasonal allergies are the same. Different people experience these symptoms in varying ways, and this diversity means a one-size-fits-all approach to treatment often falls short. Understanding why these […]

Seasonal allergies: Why everyone’s experience is different Read More »

Don’t let allergic rhinitis bring you down

Global pharmaceutical company Glenmark Pharmaceuticals is raising awareness about allergic rhinitis, also known as hay fever, and its impact on the quality of life of millions of people worldwide. What is allergic rhinitis? Common allergens include foods such as shrimp, soybeans, crab, clams, wheat, peanuts, egg yolk and cow’s milk. Pet allergens come from cat

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Our air is fuelling the childhood allergy epidemic in South Africa

A third of all South Africans suffer from allergic diseases during their life, and 40% of allergy sufferers in South Africa are children. These numbers are staggering, especially when you consider children make up only 34% of the total population in South Africa. Trevor Brewer, director of air treatment specialist Solenco, says the increase in allergies is not

Our air is fuelling the childhood allergy epidemic in South Africa Read More »