urinary tract infection

A lady holding her stomach as she is in pain due to a Urinary tract infection

Everything you need to know about a urinary tract infection

Understanding urinary tract infections (UTIs) is very important, as they are among the most common infections in females worldwide. Experts estimate that around 40% of women will experience a UTI at least once in their life. Around 25% of these women will experience what doctors call a recurring infection – one that comes back at […]

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A pharmacist’s view of urinary tract infections

A painful or burning sensation when urinating, needing to go more often than usual, or feeling sudden urgency to urinate are some of the characteristic warning signs of urinary tract infections (UTIs). Pharmacist Nonkululo Cingo of Medipost Pharmacy explains that UTIs are bacterial infections of the urinary system. “UTIs may affect any part of the

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